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Harris vs. Trump: A Showdown of Vision for America in 2024
Harris vs. Trump

The 2024 presidential race is shaping up to be one of the most significant in recent history, with Kamala Harris and Donald Trump representing two very different visions for the future of the United States. Let’s explore their policy proposals and see what each candidate promises to bring to the table for America – and for our businesses.

Economic Policy

  • Kamala Harris:
    Kamala Harris is all about reducing the financial burden on American families. She’s pushing for a higher minimum wage, lower costs for essentials like food, housing, healthcare, and childcare, and massive investments in clean energy jobs. Harris wants to close tax loopholes that benefit the wealthy and ensure corporations contribute their fair share. Key components of Harris’ economic policy include implementing a federal ban on price gouging for groceries, introducing a $6,000 child tax credit for families with newborns, and offering a $25,000 incentive for first-time home buyers. Kamala’s policy also includes a corporate tax rate increase from 21% to 28%.

  • Donald Trump:
    Donald Trump’s economic plan is straightforward: cut taxes and slash regulations to boost growth. He’s all in on lowering corporate tax rates and believes that less government interference is the key to unleashing American business potential. Trump is keen on promoting energy independence, with a strong focus on traditional fossil fuels. He has pledged to cut energy prices for Americans by 50% and has recently proposed imposing sweeping tariffs of up to 20% on imported goods.

Small Business and General Business Policy

  • Kamala Harris:
    Harris is passionate about supporting small businesses, especially those owned by women and minorities. Her plan includes making it easier for these businesses to get loans, offering tax credits for those that provide health insurance, and investing in entrepreneurship programs. She’s also keen on strengthening labor rights to ensure workers are treated fairly. Most notably, Harris promises a $50,000 tax credit for new small businesses.
  • Donald Trump:
    Again, Trump’s business strategy is to cut taxes and reduce regulations, creating a more favorable environment for businesses to thrive. He plans to extend the tax cuts he signed into law in 2017, and further reduce the red tape that he believes holds businesses back. Trump is also pushing for American manufacturing and reducing reliance on foreign supply chains to strengthen the U.S. economy.


  • Kamala Harris:
    Harris is on a mission to expand healthcare access for all Americans. She’s committed to building on the Affordable Care Act, aiming for universal coverage. Her plan includes lowering prescription drug prices, expanding Medicaid, and introducing a public option that gives everyone an affordable alternative to private insurance. For Harris, healthcare is a right, not a privilege.

  • Donald Trump:
    Trump’s approach to healthcare is rooted in repealing the Affordable Care Act and replacing it with something new. He’s focused on increasing competition to lower costs, expanding Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), and letting insurance companies sell policies across state lines. Trump believes that a more market-driven healthcare system will deliver better results at a lower cost.


  • Kamala Harris:
    Kamala Harris’s immigration plan focuses on offering an eight-year path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, backing DACA and Dreamers with permanent legal status, and prioritizing the reunification of families separated at the border. She promotes a compassionate approach to border security by addressing the root causes of migration in Central America and aims to modernize the immigration system to better meet economic needs. Harris also plans to shift immigration enforcement to focus on individuals who are threats to public safety and national security, rather than broadly targeting undocumented immigrants.

  • Donald Trump:
    Donald Trump’s 2024 immigration policy is centered on re-establishing strict border control measures, with an emphasis on completing the construction of a southern border wall to curb illegal immigration. He advocates for reinstating the “Remain in Mexico” policy, which requires asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while their claims are processed in the U.S. courts. Additionally, Trump plans to increase the number of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers and enhance their authority to detain and deport undocumented immigrants. His policy also includes prioritizing the deportation of individuals with criminal records and reducing the number of visas available for immigrants, focusing instead on those who can contribute to the economy. The overarching goal of his immigration strategy is to prioritize American citizens’ safety and economic security.

Climate Change and Environment

  • Kamala Harris:
    Harris is a fierce advocate for taking bold action on climate change. She’s set an ambitious goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, with plans to invest heavily in renewable energy, electric vehicles, and green infrastructure. Harris sees the fight against climate change as not just necessary, but as an opportunity to create millions of new jobs.

  • Donald Trump:
    Trump’s stance on the environment is all about balancing economic growth with energy independence. He supports rolling back regulations that he sees as stifling business and is a strong proponent of fossil fuel development. For Trump, a strong economy and energy sector come first, even if that means scaling back on environmental protections.

Foreign Policy

  • Kamala Harris:
    Harris wants to restore America’s role on the global stage by rebuilding alliances and leading through diplomacy. Her foreign policy focuses on human rights, multilateral cooperation, and tackling global challenges like climate change and pandemics. Harris believes that working together with other nations makes America stronger and safer.

  • Donald Trump:
    Trump’s “America First” foreign policy is all about putting U.S. interests above all else. He favors bilateral trade deals, reducing U.S. involvement in international conflicts, and demanding that allies pay more for their defense. Trump’s approach is unapologetically nationalistic, with a focus on making sure America doesn’t get shortchanged in its international dealings.

As we look toward the 2024 election, voters face a clear choice between two very different paths for America’s future. Kamala Harris offers a vision of equity, environmental sustainability, and global cooperation, while Donald Trump champions economic growth through deregulation, energy independence, and a strong nationalistic stance. The decision voters make in November will shape the direction of the country for years to come.
